Because That's How They Do It In Sharp# Architecture…

Really, it should be "Because That's How They Do It In [InsertBuzzWordArchitectureOfTheWeekHere] Architecure" but I just read this post by Billy McCafferty so I used Sharp# in the title of this post.  But you could easily insert, OptionatedMVC(or whatever that thing is called) or CSLA.NET, or whatever framework calls itself a framework.

NOTE: This has nothing to do with Billy McCafferty and/or Sharp# Architecture(or any other architecture).  This has to do with developers blindly picking tools, techniques, or frameworks without thinking first.

I heard it once this week from a team member, "I did it this way, because that's how they do it in Sharp# Architecture".... After reading the Billy's post, I'm fearful that starting next week  I'm now gonna hear, "Well, Billy said to put controllers in their own assembly, can we start doing that too?" 

Here's the problem.  We need to be thinking with our brains not the blogs we read and/or samples we find on the web.  Look at the problem, solve the problem.  Did you solve the problem, even take a stab at it? Don't like what you came up with? Hit google to find better ones, try them out and make sure they solve your original problem.  Get ideas from as many sources as possible, make your own decision on how to move forward with whatever you're doing.  I

It's OK to pick ideas from various blogs, solutions, etc around the web, but at least be able to think through your problem and make sure you're only solving your problem rather than just implementing someone else's solution that solved their problem.


Author: , 0000-00-00