How to convert string to char?

There is an arbitrary string of no more than 25 characters. For example "wo1fram"
How do I convert it to a char[255] array?
So that you can then work with char as a full-fledged array of characters ending in a null character.

Author: Сава Знатнов, 2018-12-21

1 answers

Here, you see, there are two solutions.

One thing - if you only need to read this line, or there, change a couple of characters in it - but not change its size (so that all strcpy are canceled) - then you can use the functions c_str() and data(). I highly recommend that you carefully read the descriptions, and most importantly-the restrictions imposed by these functions.

And another thing - if you need to work with it as a string in the C style with all the features, then just copy it to array, type

char buf[255];


char * buf = strdup(s);

Something like that.

Author: Harry, 2018-12-21 13:36:16