About the processing speed of list generators in Python

Faced with a huge difference in performance depending on how the list generator is passed. I'm trying to figure out the reason.

import timeit
print('sum([ ]) - ', timeit.timeit('sum([x*2 for x in range(1000)])', number=1000))
print('sum(( )) - ', timeit.timeit('sum((x*2 for x in range(1000)))', number=1000))
print('sum( ) - ', timeit.timeit('sum(x*2 for x in range(1000))', number=1000))
print('sum(list( )) - ', timeit.timeit('sum(list(x*2 for x in range(1000)))', number=1000))


sum([ ]) -  0.1341158
sum(( )) -  1.3132869999999999
sum( ) -  1.3040761
sum(list( )) -  1.3090227000000003

Why does the [] option work so much faster? Shouldn't it give about the same performance as list()? The generator in parentheses and without parentheses-it is clear that they are considered the same, but why does list () give the same speed and why is there such a difference with []

Other example

print('any([ ]) - ', timeit.timeit('any([x*2 for x in range(1000)])', number=1000))
print('any(( )) - ', timeit.timeit('any((x*2 for x in range(1000)))', number=1000))
print('any( ) - ', timeit.timeit('any(x*2 for x in range(1000))', number=1000))
print('any(list( )) - ', timeit.timeit('any(list(x*2 for x in range(1000)))', number=1000))

Here the situation is reversed:

any([ ]) -  0.11409800000000025
any(( )) -  0.005497499999999711
any( ) -  0.005274499999999627
any(list( )) -  1.3024014

The difference partly stems from the "laziness" of the any function, and in the case of a pure generator (#2 and #3), it returns True on the first number. But why do [] and list() have such a big difference with each other? Is the list created differently in these cases?

Perhaps I'm missing something simple, I recently switched to Python. And if anyone came across sensible articles on this topic, then please share.


As it turned out, the results on other platforms can be quite different. For example, I ran the script on Google Colab and got this (the number of repetitions took more for clarity):

sum([ ]) -  1.04
sum(( )) -  0.78
sum( ) -  0.79
sum(list( )) -  1.27

any([ ]) -  9.84
any(( )) -  0.000072
any( ) -  0.000070
any(list( )) -  12.08

That is, colaba gets a more predictable result. Actually, I roughly expected to get it when I was just starting all this testing, so I was so surprised that it didn't work out.

The main question - why do I have on the locale (Python 3.8.1 under Windows 10) occurs the difference is an order of magnitude between any([ ]) and any (list ( )) and between sum ([]) and the other options.

Author: Dezzar, 2020-03-03