Access denied when deleting Registry (even in regedit)

I am trying to delete a Windows Registry using Delphi but without success (even with Regedit itself I can not).

Code I'm using:

Function DeleteKeyAPI(hRoot: HKEY; sPath: String; IsReg64: BOOL): BOOL;
  iRet: Integer;
  If IsReg64 Then
    iRet := RegDeleteKeyEx(hRoot, PChar(sPath), KEY_WOW64_64KEY, 0)
    iRet := RegDeleteKeyEx(hRoot, PChar(sPath), KEY_WOW64_32KEY, 0);

  If iRet = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
    Result := True
    Result := False;

Error message when I try to delete by Regedit:

insert the description of the image here

But when I delete by software (PC Hunter) the same and deleted successfully. How can I do to delete this record?

Author: Victor Stafusa, 2016-08-28