How to properly run mongodb service (mongod.exe)?

I am having a problem to be able to run MongoDB on my pc. I have 32-bit Windows 7. I already installed a hotfix that said the page I needed to install and it still doesn't let me start the service. I attach a screenshot of the Windows Console with what comes out to me. enter the description of the image here

Author: Carlos Muñoz, 2016-04-09

1 answers

How to start the process, it is how you are doing it, it is not necessary to write mongod.exe, simply from the command line, inside the folder /bin:


I draw attention to the error message, remember that you must first create the folder where the data

Md data \ db

When created, the directory executes the process again.

I have used only the versions of Mongo 2.* and 3.* 64-bit, and the only problem I've had is with /data/db/ permissions, your message indicates that in 32-bit versions you do not have the journaling property enabled by default.

Tipo: boolean    
Default: true es sistemas de 64-bit, false en sistemas de 32-bit

Review the configuration

You can create a mongod file.cfg


Which will contain:

      enabled: true

To use when you start the process:

Mongod.exe conf config "C:\mongodb\mongod.cfg"

Or you can also try

Mongod.exe journal log

In the end I had the same problem and in this case it was not enabling property journaling, it is specifying different storage engine:

> mongod.exe --storageEngine=mmapv1
Author: Jorgesys, 2016-11-30 20:28:22