Accessing the function specified in

When initializing a package in Python 2.7, I need to define functions that should be common to all modules of a given package. I defined them in How can I access it now inside the package? From the outside it turns out like this:

import package.module #обращение

Inside the package (for example, in the module module), not defined foo, dir(__package__) - it also does not output this function.

Project structure:

package\         # пакет  # здесь функция    # здесь мне функцию нужно вызвать

The names are naturally different.

Author: hedgehogues, 2015-05-05

3 answers


In fact, the file is not intended for storing implementations of package-wide functions. They are suggested to be moved to other files.

Here's what the documentation says:

<...> In the simplest case, can just be an empty file, but it can also execute initialization code for the package or set the __all__ variable, described later.

Quote from

<...> special behavior for the file, which is used to gather all package-wide definitions.


Leaving an file empty is considered normal and even a good practice, if the package’s modules and sub-packages do not need to share any code.

Lastly, a convenient syntax is available for importing deeply nested packages: import very.deep.module as mod. This allows you to use mod in place of the verbose repetition of very.deep.module.

Thus, is needed to configure the package implementation view for the scripts that use it. For example, you can use the __all__ variable to control visible submodules, or import a class to the module level.

So the answer to your question is that now you have incorrectly distributed the implementation of functions across files, and it is worth creating a separate file with the implementation of the functions you need, rather than storing them in

For example, if you currently have the function boo in the file, you can export it to a file, if necessary, by bringing it to the package level, adding the following line to your file

# файл package/
from module import boo

And for external code that imports your module, it will be available not only through direct import

# файл
from package.module import boo

But also through importing from Package size:

# файл
from package import boo          # та же функция


Author: Timofei Bondarev, 2015-05-05 13:10:19

Inside the package, modules are accessed via a dot when importing from other modules. If, for example, in there is a function create_app, then in another module lying in this same folder, importing this function will be like this:

from . import create_app

And if the module is in a sub-folder, then after two points:

from .. import create_app

More detailed information can be found either in the official documentation on, or in the book "Python. Detailed reference guide. 4th edition of " David Beazley with ISBN 978-5-93286-157-8, starting from page 189

Author: sys_dev, 2015-05-05 12:55:31

Starting with python3.3+, not required:

It used to be a required part of a package old, pre-3.3 "regular package", not newer 3.3+ "namespace package"

If you want to include a particular module in a package, then you need to specify it in the package list like this, in

enter a description of the image here

    packages=['mypackage', 'mypackage.x'],
        'mypackage': ['data/hello.txt', '__x/*'],

You can also include data in a package using package_data. If you want to include a directory, specify *. I didn't see any fundamental difference between package_data and packages, except that package_data can include both data and files *.py.

Author: hedgehogues, 2020-05-06 19:00:50