Add a picture to PictureBox

How do I add an image from the Resource Files folder to picturebox? I work with the WinForms c++ cli.
Is it possible to draw the value of a variable, for example, int a=15;, in order to add 15 as an image to the picturebox?

Project structure

Author: αλεχολυτ, 2017-08-16

1 answers

Figured it out

Bitmap^ bmp = gcnew Bitmap(450, 350);
Graphics^ g = Graphics::FromImage(bmp); // холст для рисования
pictureBox1->Image = bmp; // закрепление к pictureBox

Bitmap^ image1; // фото загрузки в pictureBox

image1 = gcnew Bitmap("logo.bmp"); // инициализация файл с фото

pictureBox1->Image = image1;
Author: Pablo Murena, 2017-08-16 09:18:13