Adding ads to an app without Google Play

Good day dear! I have such a question. I'm writing an android app. The app unfortunately most likely can not be placed in Google play, and if it is placed there, then most likely it will be removed from there soon, since it is intended for downloading music from the VK. I understand that the distribution of the application through alternative sources such as Yandex Store or 4PDA is unlikely to bring a lot of downloads, but this is a separate issue. The main question is: so: will I be able to embed ads in it (in particular AOBMOB) if the app is not on Google Play? Perhaps my question will seem stupid, I just have never done such things before. Thank you in advance!

Author: Pupkin, 2015-12-04

2 answers

Perhaps Admob is in no way specific to Google Play. Even more: AdMob can be implemented even in iOS apps or Windows Phone. To do this, you need to create a Google account, attach it to AdMob (All this is free and quickly done). Next, read the off. instructions . I used to do it myself once. If it is not clear at all, you can create a new project and select the first Activity as a template AdMob activity

Author: BORSHEVIK, 2016-12-22 12:20:04

Yes, you can . this is even better, because when blocked in the market ( inevitably with such a program), the display of ads on phones with an already installed application also stops

Author: free man, 2018-09-10 14:28:20