Aggregate function Count () in a query with multiple tables

There are two tables.

The first table Reader contains information about the library's readers. Table fields: LibraryCardNumber, ReaderSurname, ReaderName, ReaderPatronymic, BirthDate, Address, Phone.

The second table BookDelivery contains information about the issued books. Table fields: BookID, ReaderLibraryCardNumber, DateStart, DateReturned.

I need to display information about the readers and the number of books they have seen.

Using the aggregate function Count (), I found the number in this way:

SELECT  ReaderLibraryCardNumber as [Номер читательского билета], 
        Count(*) as [Количество книг]
FROM BookDelivery 
GROUP BY ReaderLibraryCardNumber;

But it is not enough for me to know only the number of the reader's ticket, I need another one information about the reader from the Reader table (for example, the first and last name of the reader). I tried to get it this way:

SELECT BookDelivery.ReaderLibraryCardNumber as [Номер читательского билета], 
       Reader.ReaderName as [Имя], 
       Reader.ReaderSurname as [Фамилия], 
       Count(*) as [Количество книг]
FROM BookDelivery, Reader
WHERE BookDelivery.ReaderLibraryCardNumber = Reader.LibraryCardNumber
GROUP BY ReaderLibraryCardNumber;

But Access swears: "Your request does not contain the specified 'Name' expression as part of the aggregate function." Is it possible to somehow formalize a request so that both the quantity is calculated and the fields from another table are output?

Author: Akina, 2020-03-12

1 answers

SELECT Reader.LibraryCardNumber as [Номер читательского билета], 
       Reader.ReaderName as [Имя], 
       Reader.ReaderSurname as [Фамилия], 
       Count(*) as [Количество книг]
FROM BookDelivery, Reader
WHERE BookDelivery.ReaderLibraryCardNumber = Reader.LibraryCardNumber
GROUP BY Reader.LibraryCardNumber, 
Author: Akina, 2020-03-12 09:55:21