Algorithm for placing stickers on a Rubik's cube of any size

Example of face rotation R U R' Let's say there is a Rubik's cube of arbitrary size NxNxN.

At the input, we have the initial position of the block A (Xa, Ya, Za), the final position B(Xb, Yb, Zb) and the angles of rotation around the three axes by which the block turned during the movement... The trajectory of the movement can be very confusing and we are not interested. This input data absolutely uniquely determines the final state of one of the blocks (position and reversal). I'm trying to deduce an algorithm that based on the input data, it returns where the sticker on this block moved to.

Let's look at an example from the picture:

The number 1 denotes the initial position of the block A(0, 2, 2).
Digit 2 - end position of block B(2, 2, 0).
For a better understanding, we can add that the second position from the first in this case, we got by scrolling: (R U R') (description below) Therefore, we have rotations around the three axes R(-90, 90, 0) (i.e., when turning R, block 1 did not change position, when U turned around Y clockwise, with R' around X counterclockwise).

At the output, you need to calculate that if the white sticker in the original position was on top, then in the end it became the front, respectively, the orange one was on the left, became on top, and the blue one was on the back, became on the right

It is important that we do not know what turns there were, there are no turns at the entrance, and you can come to the final position by another way and have other turns, although nothing will change externally (other blocks will be on the other ones places, but they are not interesting to us), because it is not yet clear how to use them in the algorithm, but they are necessary!
I.e. in the chain, such as (L F) we will find ourselves in the same position, as deployed, but the turns will be the input R(90, 0, 90), and when you chain (L2 D R) also achieve the desired polojenii reversal, but reversals are R(90, -90, 0).

I need a fresh look from the outside, something I'm a little podzavis!


  1. Classic recording rotations: Up, Down, Left, Right, Front, Back the initial letters of the side names for turning clockwise (if it is in front of us) and with an apostrophe, for example R' for turning counterclockwise, as well as with 2, for example R2 for turning 180 degrees.

  2. Classic color arrangement: F - green, U - white, B - blue, R - red, L - orange, D - yellow.

  3. The work is carried out with a two-dimensional marking of the cube.

    Two-dimensional cube layout

Information to think about: only it seems to me that there is some logical error? Let's look at a few simple examples(in each example, we follow the front-right-top corner):

  1. Scroll through F2 L2
    We have a U-turn vector R (180, 0, 180), On the Y-axis it did not rotate, but if we didn't know how it was put there, we could say with confidence by turning around Y by 180!

  2. Scroll through R B L F
    The observed cube returns to its original position, i.e. the difference of the coordinate vectors (0, 0, 0), the turns around the axes are reduced and we also get R (0, 0, 0). That is, no information at all, but the cube is rotated clockwise!

  3. Scroll through F' L' B ' R '
    The observed cube returns to the initial position, i.e. the difference of the coordinate vectors (0, 0, 0), the turns around the axes are also reduced and we also get R (0, 0, 0). That is, again there is no information at all, but the cube is already turned counterclockwise!

Author: Дух сообщества, 2018-06-23

2 answers

Let's try to make an algorithm. I propose an algorithm - a search in width.

  1. Let's define the object of the cube. The cube has 6 sides. 6 colors. Each side has 9 elements. Let's describe the cube as an array of 54 (6 × 9 = 54) elements. Then the ultimate goal is for every 9 elements to be equal. Let's "draw" the model.

              18 19 20
              21 22 23
              24 25 26
    0  1  2   9  10 11  36 37 38   45 46 47
    3  4  5   12 13 14  39 40 41   48 49 50
    6  7  8   15 16 17  42 43 44   51 52 53
              27 28 29
              30 31 32
              33 34 35
  2. Let's define actions that can be done with the cube. And so, we have 6 faces, each side can be rotate around its own axis in both directions. In total, we have 6 × 2 = 12 actions. You need to describe all 12 actions. I'll describe one to you, and the rest to you. For the description-the elements will be swapped. For clarity, let's rotate the face 9-17 around itself, then I specify the elements that will be swapped in pairs:

                18     19    20
                21     22    23
                24-36  25-39 26-42
    0  1  2-26  9-11  10-14 11-17    36-29  37 38   45 46 47
    3  4  5-25  12-10  13    14-16    39-28  40 41   48 49 50
    6  7  8-24  15-9   16-12 17-15    42-27  43 44   51 52 53
                27-2   28-5  29-8
                30     31     32
                33     34     35

In the form of pairs, this will be the form

24-36,25-39,26-42, 2-26, 9-11,10-14,11-17,36-29,5-25, 12-10, 14-16,39-28, 8-24, 15-9,16-12,17-15,42-27,27-2 ,28-5, 29-8

20 pairs came out. 12 + 8 = 20. If the pairs are reversed , there will be a rotation in the opposite direction. Such pairs of 20 pieces should be 12 options. I show you one.

I will try to describe the rotation of the drawings in 3D. The rotation will only occur for 9 elements, from 9 to 17 including 13. The rest will not rotate if it is a 2D projection, and already translating this into a 3D projection, we will get more options.

Packed u-turn option a[i] = (a[i] & 7) + ((a[i] + 8) & (8+16)) and left a[i] = (a[i] & 7) + ((a[i] - 8) & (24)) apply this for the 9 elements after the permutations. Then (a[i] & 24) = {0,8,16,24} depending on the reversal.

The U-turn option is simple with and x.size = (x.side+1)&3 or x.size = (x.side-1)&3

The U-turn option is complicated if (x.size=3) x.size = 0; else x.size++ or if (x.size=0) x.size = 3; else x.size--

UPD Important: when performing a rotation operation, it is better to create a separate array, since it is possible to" accidentally " assign a single cell twice. For example, at 11, we assigned 9, and at 17, we assign 11 - and we get a "failure", so on the left from the assignment should be the original array, and to the right (where we attach) - a duplicate of the original array.

BOTTOM LINE: we do 20 permutation operations, then 9 2D rotation operations, and one of the 9 is the central element that is not included in the 20.

  1. Having the object of the cube, let's define the final condition: it will be o[0]=o[1]=...=o[8], o [9]=o[10]=...=o[17],..., i.e. all every 9 elements of the array must be equal.

  2. Now, when we have an "object", we create an array of objects, and start building a tree. Each new level adds several elements to the array. This is necessary in order to remove the "extra" movement, and find a solution using the search in width.

    We make the structure (iteration number, action number(1-12), element number that led to the appearance of this object, "object" (array on 54)) Then we build the 1st iteration, i.e. a cycle of 12 permutations of faces, we get


    We check each object condition [3]. Making the 2nd iteration. There will already be a problem. Duplicates will start appearing. Duplicates are formed when we rotate the same face first to the left, and then on the 2nd iteration, to the right. You can figure out how to avoid this algorithmically, but it is difficult. In addition, you also need to filter 4-fold rotation, etc., so it's easier to just filter duplicates. Ie, as for me, it's easier to check with the addition of a new array element - whether there are duplicates below, in the elements a[0]…a[n] (a[12]). The second iteration will bring 12 × 12 = 144 elements, but half of them will be exactly duplicates. So there will be somewhere +72 elements. To simplify it, let's do this. The second level will look something like this


Then we repeat the iterations until a solution is found (i.e. the condition [3] is not met. The array can be used to set the course of events (i.e., if the answer is 84, then 84 gave rise to element 6, which gave rise to element 0. in element 6, it is specified where rotated).

P.S. In 3D rendering, there will be 6 × 4 = 24 positions of the drawing. If the rendering is smooth, then you will need to move smoothly from one of the 24 positions to the other. The square can be pasted on the cube in 4 ways.

The cube has 6 sides, so for 3D-you have 24 variations. But if you operate with 24 options, the task of rotation becomes more complicated, because you will have to rotate all 20 elements (20 pairs of [2]). It is easier to spin 9 elements with 4 combinations, and add +6 combinations in the 3D rendering phase (6-depending on which side of the cube we are on). That is, when rendering, there will be realside = side+ kubeside* 4 where size is the value of one of the 54 elements, size is within [0..3], and kubeside is within [0..5] - means which side of the cube we are on. After projecting onto the 2D space, it may turn out that these 24 options have moved to 12 or less, but it is the number 24 that gives the basis that "removes" the chaos. I.e., sets the order such that the face cannot be expanded "not". there."

It seemed to me that about 24 combinations is not quite clear. I'll try to draw

        ^ ^ ^
        < ^ v
        > > > 
 < ^ >  ^ ^ >  ^ ^ ^  > > >
 < v >  v v >  ^ < <  < ^ v
 < v >  ^ ^ v  < < <  v v v
        < < >
        ^ ^ >
        V V V

This is a combination of 4 positions on a two-dimensional scale. It will be multiplied by 6 options, because each of the 6 sides will have to be rendered in 3D in 6 ways. And the 3D model will be... you need to think about what you can quickly draw… It means that the combination 0..53 × 4 варианта развотота × 6 вариантов нахожнения на стороне will always give a uniquely 3D vector. 0..53 will give unambiguously the 3D coordinate of the vector, and 24 (4 × 6) gives the u-turn, the direction of the vector Three-dimensional. I.e., you can create an array of 54 coordinates, and 24 directivity vectors - and the 3D transformation will go smoothly.

I paint 24. In 2D, we will have 4 plane vectors: 0, 90, 180, 270 (rotation in the XY plane).

In 3D, the following turns will overlap (XY, XZ, YZ).

  ^y           2 (0,0,90)
  0(0,270,0)   1 (0,0,0)   4(0,90,0)  5(0,0,180)
               3 (0,0,270)        --x>

I hope I correctly described the rotation vector in degrees. Adding (0, 90, 180, 270) to the first rotation coordinate XY-we get 24 combinations of turns.

5th (back) - controversial, if it is expanded by 180 on XZ and even by 180 on YZ-then we get the "original position of the object" in almost "mirror form". 5(0,180,0) I can't say whether it is correct 5(0,180,0) or so 5(0,180,180) or so 5(0,0,180).

Acceleration. Since the cube is meaningless to twist one side left-right, etc., you can add conditions to the cycle for 12 that prohibit doing this. For example, so

   if (level >= 2) /*then*/ {
      if (( a[a[i].prev].turn & 14 ) == (turn & 14)) /*then*/{ 
         // Если предыдущую грань двигали  ту же самую
         if (a[a[i].prev].turn != turn )  /*then*/
            continue; //Если Если предыдущую грань двигали в другую сторону
         // то не рассматриваем дальше, убрать туда-сюда движение
         // сюда код прийдёт, если более одного раза двигаем одну грань   
         if (a[a[a[i].prev].prev].turn == turn)
            continue; // Запрет поворачивать третий раз куб в одну сторону                      

That is, in the end, the algorithm will be as follows.

  1. Setting the initial value condition
  2. Start of iterations, cycle for 12 movements
  3. Check the conditions for unnecessary movements, if there are any-go to 2.
  4. Perform the movement, prepare a '
  5. We check the "boundary condition" that the cube is "assembled". If collected , the solution is found.
  6. We check that a' is missing in the array a. If present-to n 2.
  7. add a' to the array, and go to 2.
  8. At the end of the loop, we create another iteration.

By reading about the Rubik's cube in Wikipedia, I found an entry that in 20 moves you can find a solution. It may be more efficient to search deep with a limit of 20. For such a search, you will need an array of 20, and not several thousand, as in this version.

Author: nick_n_a, 2018-07-04 13:25:15

It may be useful to someone: The "correct" solution was found using quaternions. If you do not need a smooth rotation of each face, but rather fixed rotations (as in a 2-dimensional scan), then a plate of unit quaternions is quite enough. They describe all possible values by rotation and have a nice advantage over matrix rotations: they multiply endlessly into each other without falling into the so-called "hinge locks". For smooth 3d animation, then the same simply interpolated between the quaternions of the end positions.
Also, as an optimization, a table of their integer multiplication was generated, so as not to cut the performance with floating arithmetic and not to accumulate a calculation error.
As a result, the total working time was almost not affected (2 seconds were added per 100 million combinations)

Author: Isaev, 2018-07-16 11:34:07