Aligning images inside Bootstrap Panel

I have the following Panel:

<div class="panel panel-primary">

        <div class="panel-heading">
            <h3 class="panel-title">Header</h3>

        <div class="panel-body">

            <div class="panel-info">
                <div class="panel-heading">Qual seu gĂȘnero ?</div>
                <div class="panel-body" style="background-color:red; text-align:center">
                    <img src="../Icons/man.png" title="Homem" style="cursor:pointer"/>
                    <img src="../Icons/woman.png" title="Mulher" style="cursor:pointer"/>

The above code, mounts the Panel like this : insert the description of the image here

I would like to align the two images in the center of the screen. In my CSS file I did as follows:

.panel {

img {

The alignment worked only for Class .panel, and Class .img did not have the same result. How should I do to align the images too ?

Author: Raphael Prado de Oliveira, 2017-06-21

1 answers

Try calling directly the "panel-body" class responsible for the images in your CSS, for example:

.panel-body {

After improve your CSS code, don't forget to replace:

<div class="panel-body" style="background-color:red; text-align:center">


<div class="panel-body">

This should already solve your problem. :)

Author: RafaBR1, 2017-06-21 06:17:59