Regular expressions in GWT

Is it possible to work with regular expressions in GWT somehow? The java.util.regex package is not available. I have sketched an application in Java (Awt+Swing), the logic is fully working. Now we need to learn GWT, because the application was intended to be made for the browser. There are a lot of regular expressions in my application. So if GWT does have some mechanism for templates, do they use the same rules as java.util.regex or not? That is, will all my templates work exactly the same?

Author: titov_andrei, 2011-01-31

1 answers

In GWT, you must use - according to the documentation, regexps are just compatible with JS:

The super-sourced GWT implementation simply calls on to the native Javascript classes.

Author: Nofate, 2016-04-01 12:32:35