Analog of getch() when using gcc

The bottom line: I used to use Visual Studio 2015, in it, I connect the conio library. h I used the _getch () function. Now I decided to switch to a product from Jetbrains-Clion. Everything would be fine, but the gcc compiler and the conio.h library just don't see it there. Accordingly, I can't use _getch() in any way.

What I actually need it for. Here are the functions where I use them:

void pressEnterForContinue()
    printf(" Нажмите ENTER для продолжения работы программы. \n\n");
    while (getchar() != "\r");

char getCharCustom()
    char c;
    c = _getch();

    if (c == '\r')
        c = '\n';

    if (c != '\b' && c != NULL)
        printf("%c", c);

    return c;

That is, I want to get a keyboard symbol by pressing a key. getchar() returns only the character code. Sticking to pure C without using C++

Author: Sadykh, 2016-05-20

2 answers

Try using the ncurses library.

Author: Vanyamba Electronics, 2016-05-20 18:42:58

As a function of _getch(), you can use read()

int size;
char c; 

   size = read(fileno(stdin),&c,1);
   if(c == '\n'){
   if (c != '\b' && c != NULL)
     printf("%c", c);

Author: Yaroslav, 2016-05-21 04:01:50