Android Video chat and server

I want to write something like a video chat between several Android phones.At the same time, so that the video stream goes directly between the phones(Clients), and the server (PC) only connects them to each other. This is necessary so as not to create a load on the server. Is such a scheme even possible? I honestly swim a lot in this topic and don't know exactly how data transfer works. At the same time, all the APIs that I Googled offer to write this on their platforms without the participation of the server.Please tell me in which side to dig and which APIs could be used to do this.

Author: MrNiko, 2018-02-03

1 answers

Not sure exactly, but I would look towards sockets.

Perhaps in the lesson below, you can adjust the sockets for the video stream.

Data transfer over the network using socket when developing an android app

Author: Евгений, 2018-02-04 05:58:25