Angular 4 application slows down over time [closed]

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Hello. I have an Angular 4.3.5 application that gets slower when it is used after a while (~20 minutes).

My scenario is more or minus this:

  • REST API and Angular static files stay on a RaspberryPI B 3
  • approximately 30 RaspberryPI B 3 access the Angular application through Chromium (versions 58 and 60)

What happens:

  • angular HTTP requests get slower as time goes on. Example: from ~100 ms to 2 seconds

Additional information:

  • If I press F5 no Chromium Angular application returns to normal
  • Angular uses this template
  • Angular uses an app for Google Chrome / Chromium, which I wrote, to communicate with an arduino via the serial port (Chrome APIs I use: chrome.runtime.sendMessage, chrome.runtime.connect and chrome.serial)
  • the clients, RaspberryPI, have available resources (CPU and memory) when the application is slow
  • the Angular application stores almost nothing in the browser
Author: OnoSendai, 2017-08-30