Angular 7-Popular object in API service return. httpClient

I thank you for your attention.

I'm having trouble populating a list of object returned from an API in Angular 7. My service class is returning the data from the service, but I can't populate it in my object list (returned from the service). Below follows details of my implementation.


         "descricaoCobertura":"ASSISTENCIA DOMICILIAR II",
         "descricaoCobertura":"INC./RAIO/EXPL./QUEDA AERONAVE",
         "descricaoCobertura":"VENDAVAL/IMPACTO VEICULO",

My service.ts

  TodasCoberturas() : Coberturas[] {
         this.http.get<Coberturas[]>(this.UrlServiceV1 + "combinadoPlano?codigoTipoRisco=1")   
          data => {
            this.coberturas = data;

    return this.coberturas;

Class Coverage

export class Coberturas{
    codigoPlanoContratacao: string
    codigoCobertura: number
    descricaoCobertura: string
    codigoTipoRisco: number
    valorImportanciaSegurada: number
    valorPremioLiquido: number


  public coberturas: Coberturas[];

  constructor(public coberturasServices: CoberturasServices) { 
    this.coberturas = this.coberturasServices.retornarListaDetalhe();


insert the description of the image here

Put in the debugger, I can view my object list, however I can't popular in my variable. I have already tried to perform a for by adding objects in the returned data and had no success, as it reports that my variable is undefined.

insert the description of the image here

Thank you again.

Author: Bruno Leite, 2018-12-04

4 answers

The list in json is inside an object, so you can't map that json directly to the array covers [].

First you create the following class

export class RootObject {
    sucess: boolean;
    message: string;
    data: Coberturas[];

Then changes the request to

private pedeListaDetalhe() {
        this.http.get<RootObject>(this.UrlServiceV1 + "combinadoPlano?codigoTipoRisco=1")   
        .subscribe(result => {
            this.coberturas =;

A practical example of this working is the following:

    template: `
        <div *ngFor="let cobertura of coberturas">
            <!-- coloca o resto do html aqui -->
export class CoberturasComponent implements OnInit {

    coberturas: Coberturas[];

    ngOnInit(): void {

    private pedeListaDetalhe() {
        this.http.get<RootObject>(this.UrlServiceV1 + "combinadoPlano?codigoTipoRisco=1")   
        .subscribe(result => {
            this.coberturas =;
Author: António, 2018-12-04 17:46:14

Thank you for all the answers, but I only get by using another method to populate my empty object.

What I can't understand, why I can't populate my object inside subscribe, because every time I exit inside subscribe, my "item" object gets empty. During some testing, this was the solution that worked.

  //#region Consultar Combinado de Planos
                result  => {
                this.item =;

     //Popular objeto rtornado do services 
     processarDados(item: Item[]){
      this.Item = item;
Author: Bruno Leite, 2018-12-13 02:41:57

You can try something like this by changing to this:

No service

todasCoberturas() : Coberturas[] {
       return this.http.get<PayloadCobertura>(\`${this.UrlServiceV1}combinadoPlano? 
                       codigoTipoRisco=1`).pipe(map(res =>;


export interface Coberturas{
    codigoPlanoContratacao: string
    codigoCobertura: number
    descricaoCobertura: string
    codigoTipoRisco: number
    valorImportanciaSegurada: number
    valorPremioLiquido: number

export interface PayloadCobertura {
  sucess: boolean;
  message: string;
  data: Coberturas[];

No component

private pedeListaDetalhe() {
  this.yourService.todasCoberturas.subscribe(res => {
    this.coberturas = res;
Author: Pedro Henrique Cndido Ferreira, 2019-08-30 02:32:25

Instead of returning the value return an observable in your service:

TodasCoberturas(): Observable<Coberturas[]> {
  return this.http.get<Coberturas[]>(this.UrlServiceV1 + "combinadoPlano?codigoTipoRisco=1")
    .pipe(map(response =>;

Change the type of the coverage attribute value to Observable in your component:

public coberturas$: Observable<Coberturas[]>;

  constructor(public coberturasServices: CoberturasServices) { 
    this.coberturas$ = this.coberturasServices.retornarListaDetalhe();

Use async pipe in your template. This way angular will automatically subscribe and unsubscribe.

<ng-container *ngIf="coberturas$ | async as coberturas">
  <!-- o seu codigo aqui -->
  <div *ngFor="let cobLinhas of coberturas">... </div>
Author: Ricardo Ferreira, 2019-09-29 13:17:11