Any number of any characters in notepad++

You must specify the following line

"='root' && ... ="

Where ... - any number of any characters

How do I set any number of any characters in a regular expression? I saw

Any number of any characters

Requests given in the response

(?s)"='root' && .*? ="
"='root' && (?s:.*?) ="

Don't help

enter a description of the image here

Please do not minusovat for the fact that I do not write in the comments (and give a link to the document to insert a comment with with a picture)

There should be no spaces between the character = and the word root - in this case, there should be no directives between root and the character =, and if there are, please explain the meaning of the following code sections

  1. \s* (there are doubts about the need to use this directive before root , if there is a space, then why not use \s+ )
  2. \s+ (As I understood \s+ means a space, but what \s* did not understand.)

Understanding using \s* prevents the next command

  1. if ...== 'root' && ...==

I also forgot how to use apostrophes in a search expression query - do I need to frame apostrophes in a special way?

Sorry that I'm asking you and not Google - just in many places it is not clear written.

Author: vladdv861 dvin, 2019-12-10

2 answers

Check the box and new lines:

enter a description of the image here

You can also use the (?s) flag or a group with the (?s:...) modifier:

(?s)"=root && .*? ="
"=root && (?s:.*?) ="
Author: Wiktor Stribiżew, 2019-12-10 11:09:18

Any number of any characters is set like this:



Author: dIm0n, 2020-08-16 14:00:09