How to display Facebook comment count on Wordpress Admin posts page?

I know that to display comments on the blog frontend just add <fb:comments-count href=<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>></fb:comments-count> anywhere in the theme.

However, I need to display the comment count within the post listing in the Wordpress admin, preferably without plugins, via functions.php. Even better if you can combine the default WordPress and Facebook comment counts.

Already "Googled" in English and Portuguese trying to find a way to do this, but did not find. Sixth anyone know and can help I appreciate it. Bye!

Author: Simon Ferreira, 2014-07-09

1 answers

Use the Code of Facebook itself

<fb:comments-count href="<?php echo get_permalink($post->ID); ?>"></fb:comments-count>

Using Post - > ID


Author: Valério Souza, 2014-08-20 14:15:02