Arduino + SIM800L connect to Firebase


I am putting together a project and need to connect my arduino to firebase. For this I am using a SIM800L, porem my code return the error below in the compiler, has anyone gone through this or could help me?

Error: Build options changed, recompiling everything In file included from C:\Users\ACER\Desktop\sketch_mar19a\sketch_mar19a.ino:7:0: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\firebase-arduino-master\src/Firebase.h:25: 18: fatal error: memory: No such file or directory # include ^ compilation terminated. exit status 1 error compiling for Arduino / genuine Board Mega or Mega 2560

#include <ArduinoJson.h>

#include <Sim800l.h>

#include <TinyGPS.h>

#include <Firebase.h>
#include <FirebaseArduino.h>
#include <FirebaseCloudMessaging.h>
#include <FirebaseError.h>
#include <FirebaseHttpClient.h>
#include <FirebaseObject.h>

#include <String.h>

//Define o Host e Senha do firebase
#define FIREBASE_AUTH "UKMXPnz20iQlaedqkNk3wlN7RTQnar9cS2HIOHXy"

//Definindo variaveis dos pinos
int pinoLed = 5;

GPRS gprs;

void setup() {
  pinMode(pinoLed, OUTPUT);
  Serial.println("Conectando a rede!");

  //Inicia Comunicação com firebase
  digitalWrite(pinoLed, 0);


void loop() {
   String ledStatus = Firebase.getString("led2");
  if(ledStatus == "ligado"){
    digitalWrite(pinoLed, 1);
  else if(ledStatus =="desligado") {
    digitalWrite(pinoLed, 0);

Author: Leandro Dias, 2020-03-19

1 answers

O is the library installed in the arduino IDE or is it located inside the project folder? Because apparently it is not using finding the Firebase.h inside the IDE Libraries folder.

If you're using inside the project folder, try putting include like this #include "FirebaseArduino.h " . I don't know if it goes for the Arduino copilator, but in other C++ compilers include it with indicates that the system/ide folder, while include it with quotes in the project or custom folder.

Author: Daniel Moraes, 2020-06-18 14:31:27