Autocomplete select event

Good afternoon!

I use the autocomplete widget and connect it to several input


   source: "library/_ajax_profile.php?get_autocomplete_owner_for_contract",
   minLength: 3,
   select: function(event, ui) {},
   search: function() {
   open: function(event, ui) {
     $("#ui-id-1").css("left", parseInt($("#ui-id-1").css("left")) + "px");



<input type="text" id="reis_owner_id123" class="input_guide ui-autocomplete-input" value="Вася" />

<input type="text" id="reis_owner_id01234" class="input_guide ui-autocomplete-input" value="Вася" />

Well, etc., that is, I use the filter to connect the auto kit to all input that id starts with reis_owner_id. How do I find out in the select event which input the widget is currently working with?

Author: Yuri, 2017-02-08

2 answers

Use $(this)

For example, you can find out a specific id - $(this).attr('id'). In your case, you can pass this id to the server and process it there

   source: "library/_ajax_profile.php?get_autocomplete_owner_for_contract&id=" + $(this).attr('id')
Author: Vadim Prokopchuk, 2017-02-08 19:29:37

The problem was that $(this) returned not an element, but an object that the plugin was working with.

Author: Sergey P, 2017-02-08 20:34:03