AutoCompleteTextView display items that have accent when typed without accent

I have a AutoCompleteTextView, defined as your adapter I have a list that receives the name of cities like, for example, São Paulo, but if I inform you in the field the value Sao Paulo, without the accent, it does not display any item, that's why probably the AutoCompleteTextView does not identify the character a == ã.

How can I make the accented value appear when the non-accented value is typed?

Code I created separately for testing:

ArrayList<String>cidades = new ArrayList<>();

   cidades.add("São Paulo");
   cidades.add("São Luiz");

autoComplete = (AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView)findViewById(;

ArrayAdapter<String> lista = new ArrayAdapter<>(this,android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line,cidades);


P.S.: I Can add the items without accent in the list easily.

Author: Rafael, 2016-02-02