automatic creation of stdafx.h instead of pch. h

Starting from the 2017 version, when creating a new project, the studio by default creates a file with precompiled header files with the name pch. h instead of stdafx. h

Where can I configure the default name to be stdafx.h when creating new projects ?

Upd: poked around in the studio files in the file

c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.Cpp.AppContainerApplication.props

There are lines:

  <!-- The new templated project will have pch.h, while classic applications will have stdafx.h -->
  <PrecompiledHeaderFile Condition="'$(AppContainerApplication)' == 'true'">pch.h</PrecompiledHeaderFile>

It looks like what I'm looking for, but where can I edit this file from the studio itself so that it is validly saved when updates, etc.

Author: goldstar_labs, 2020-05-12