average value for aggregated variable, DAX, Power bi

enter a description of the image hereHow to calculate the average price as in the last column, so that this average is calculated for each unique connection of the first 4 columns. As I want->
1.Example-date 10.08.2020+customer#123+store#10+size 4->(10+20)/2=15. 2. Example - 12.08.2020+customer#124+store#12+size 6->(10+20+30)/3=20. I tried many options, of which only two gave an approximate result, but all the same is not what you need. avg1 = CALCULATE (AVERAGE ('Table'[price] ),ALLEXCEPT ( Table, 'Table'[date of purchase], 'Table' [client_id], 'Table' [number of shop],'Table' [size] )) avg2 = AVERAGEX (ALLSELECTED ( 'Table'[date of purchase], 'Table' [client_id], 'Table' [number of shop],'Table' [size],'Table'[price] ), VALUE( 'Table'[price]))


Author: galia, 2020-08-20