Basemap python. Problem with installation via pip

Hello. I have a problem installing basemap (a package for python that is included in the matplotlib suite for visualizing geodata). I love pip, so I decided to use it. As a result, I get about the same every time I run it. Note that I install this package on python2. 7. The answer to the command:

Sudo pip2 install basemap

Collecting basemap Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement basemap (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for basemap

The search for solutions led to the fact that the official website of basemap has dependencies that pip2, in theory, should resolve itself, but for some reason did not resolve:

  • PROJ4 Cartographic Projections Library.
  • GEOS
  • Pillow

GEOS was installed with a separate command:

Sudo pip2 install geos

All other friends, unfortunately, do not installed.

Direct installation from the repository also for some reason does not cure the situation. Some tips can be found here and here.

Author: Дух сообщества, 2017-08-27

2 answers

I found the solution here.

Sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib

Sudo apt-get install python-mpltoolkits.basemap

Note that initially, before installing basemap, the following steps can help:

  • Delete matplotlib and install again with the command I specified (not via pip)
  • Remove basemap, geos, or any other package from the list above. After that, you should install the basemap, as I indicated.

Can run the test case:

from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

map = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=50, lon_0=-100, resolution='l', area_thresh=1000.0)


Author: hedgehogues, 2020-06-12 12:52:24

Due to the Basemap-bundled substrates, the package was deemed too large to be placed on Link indicates a file that does not contain links to archives.

There are three ways to install the package

  1. Install the package from the operating system repository
  2. Install the package from the Anaconda repository
  3. Install the package from the source code on GitHub

Basemap source code archives stored on GitHub. The latest version can be found on the page with releases.

You need to install the GEOS library header files. After that, you can call pip by specifying a direct link to GitHub

pip install
Author: Dmitri Chubarov, 2018-07-28 12:21:28