Beginner: C# recursive function

Help for a recursive function that prints the average of the elements in a list of integers and the number of elements larger than the average. in c #

Well, what I have up to the moment, is giving System Error.StackOverflowException.

public static Double MediaLista(Double[] v)
    int i = 0;
    Double soma = 0;
    if (i < v.Length)
        for (int j = 0; j < v.Length; j++)
            soma += v[j];
        return soma / MediaLista(v);
    else return 0;


static void Main(string[] args)
    Double[] v = {1,2,3,3,5};
    Double resul =  MediaLista(v);


Edit : I have increased the functionality of picking up the larger-than-average numbers in the Medialist method itself. In all my method stayed like this.

        public static double MediaLista(int[] v, int ultimo)
        if (ultimo == 0)

            return v[0];

            int qtdNumero = ultimo + 1;
            double soma = v[ultimo] + (qtdNumero - 1) * MediaLista(v, ultimo - 1);
            if (qtdNumero == v.Length) {
                for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++)
                    if (v[i] > (soma / qtdNumero))
                        Console.WriteLine($"o numero {v[i]}  é maior que a média");

            return soma / qtdNumero;


Author: Arlindo Cruz Machado, 2019-05-17

2 answers

StackOverflowException occurs when there is a overflow of the Stack memory, usually caused by excess nested functions.

In the case on the line return soma / MediaLista(v); you did not change the Vector v at all, causing it to call the method again, and again, and again.....until it causes this exception. :)

I believe that what you are wanting to do is return soma / v.Length;


There is another error, this time of logic.

In line soma += v[i]; you are looping with the j but adding the subscript i, which is always 0.

EDIT 2.0-Recursion Edition: p

Apparently ok. :)

public static void Main()
    int[] v = { 1, 2, 9, 10, 25, 0};
    double media = Media(v, v.Length - 1);

public static double Media(int[] v, int ultimo)
    if (ultimo == 0)
        return v[0];

    int qtdNumero = ultimo+1;       
    double soma = v[ultimo] + (qtdNumero-1) * Media(v, ultimo-1);

    return soma/qtdNumero;
Author: Ronaldo Araújo Alves, 2019-05-18 00:00:11

So I managed to do recursion by taking the for and using if and instead of incrementing I was decrementing for recursion to get to 0 and exit the loop and give me the result:

EDIT: I added the part that picks up which elements are larger than the average

    private void MetroButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        double[] v = { 1, 2, 3, 3, 5 };
        double resul = MediaLista(v, v.Length, 0);
        //Elementos da array maiores do que a média
        string maiorMedia = string.Empty;
        for (int i = v.GetLowerBound(0); i <= v.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
            if (v[i] > resul)
                maiorMedia += v[i] + ",";                    
        metroLabel3.Text = Convert.ToString(resul);
        metroLabel4.Text = maiorMedia;

    //média dos elementos de uma lista de inteiros
    public double MediaLista(double[] v, int tamanho, double media)
        if (tamanho > 0)
            media = v[tamanho - 1] + MediaLista(v, tamanho - 1, media);
            if (tamanho == v.Length)
                return media / v.Length;
            return media;
            return 0;


Just to play a little more the part that takes which elements of the array are larger than average, I made another option in LINQ for those who want to understand this feature that is very used in Entity Framework and other Orm

        string maiorQueMedia = string.Empty;
        var query =
            from num in v
            where num > resul
            select num;
        foreach (double num in query)
            maiorQueMedia += num + ",";
Author: , 2019-05-18 04:27:09