Bind certificates to Service Fabric clusters(converting the service to https)

The task is to translate the service to work over https, the service is published through an application of the Service Fabric type. In the published project in the file ServiceManifest.xml spelled out

  <Endpoint Protocol="https" Name="SingleSignOnEndpoint" Type="Input" Port="8003" />

In the file ApplicationManifest.xml Service Fabric project

  <ContainerHostPolicies CodePackageRef="Code" Isolation="[SingleSignOn_Isolation]">
    <PortBinding ContainerPort="443" EndpointRef="SingleSignOnEndpoint" />
    <CertificateRef X509FindValue="[HttpsCertThumbprint]" Name="HttpsCert" />

I get the message: The PowerShell script could not be executed, Could not resolve parameter 'HttpsCertThumbprint'.

As far as I understand, I do not have the HttpsCertThumbprint certificate defined, which Service Fabric is used by default. Tell me who faced such a task? How do I create a certificate and bind it to a cluster, or maybe I'm digging in the wrong direction?