Black screen after installing Archlinux on VirtualBox

For the first time I put arch, I decided to try it on a virtual machine. The installation process went fine, followed the guides from archviki. After the rebut and the window is rough : a black screen and zero reaction. Main OS parameters:

OS: Ubuntu 15.10 wily
Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.2.0-38-generic
Uptime: 4h 48m
Packages: 2798
Shell: bash 4.3.42
Resolution: 1280x1024
DE: Unity 7.3.3
WM: Compiz
WM Theme: Cenodark-red
GTK Theme: Cenodark-red [GTK2/3]
Icon Theme: Shadow-Red-S
Font: Ubuntu 11
CPU: Pentium Dual-Core CPU E6600 @ 3.066GHz
GPU: GeForce GT 630
RAM: 1442MiB / 7983MiB

VM settings:

Тип ОС:Arch Linux (64-bit)
Основная память:768 МБ
Предел загрузки ЦПУ:100%
Порядок загрузки:Гибкий диск, Оптический диск, Жёсткий диск
Nested Paging:Включено
Интерфейс паравиртуализации:По умолчанию
Видеопамять:12 МБ
2D-ускорение видео:Выключено
Сервер удалённого дисплея:Выключен
Контроллер: IDE
Вторичный мастер IDE (Оптический привод):archlinux-2016.06.01-dual.iso (744,00 МБ)
Контроллер: SATA
SATA порт 0:arch.vdi (Обычный, 8,00 ГБ)
Аудио драйвер:PulseAudio
Контроллер:ICH AC97
Адаптер 1:Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (NAT)
COM-порты Выключены
Фильтры устройств:0 (0 активно)
Общие папки:Нет

Grub default settings, generated by grub-mkconfig. Grub settings:

enter a description of the image here enter a description of the image here

After working out grub:

enter a description of the image here


enter a description of the image here

Author: aleksandr barakin, 2016-07-06

1 answers

Judging by the additional information, the grub configuration contains incorrect information about the uuid of the block device from which the download should be performed.

Once you were able to boot a system in this VM, follow the same instructions to reinstall / reconfigure the grub bootloader. just do not forget to pre-mount all the partitions that you mounted during installation (again, according to all the same instructions).

Author: aleksandr barakin, 2016-07-07 22:08:13