Black screen when running linux

I want to put on a new laptop asus linux fedora 30. When booting from a flash drive at the startup stage of the GNOME environment, everything stops, a blinking cursor appears on a black screen and then just a black screen.

What should I do?

Author: Gybernaty, 2019-11-18

2 answers

When loading the grab menu, I pressed E and there in the line with the beginning of linux at the end, separated by a space, I wrote nomodeset and pressed f10 and everything worked

Author: Gybernaty, 2019-11-19 12:01:34

There was a similar problem in CentOS 7.6 with gdm 3.28 after authorization in X. It looks like it's a glitch gdm.

  1. Opening the second console: Ctrl+Alt+F2

  2. Run htop, find X the process, and send it SIGTERM.

    • F4 typing gdm - to find X process
  3. X Window it will also restart on the second attempt gdm will be work normally.

  4. To log in without authorization, you can add to /etc/gdm/custom.conf:


Additional information:

  • gdm for gnome.
  • lightdm for xfce.
  • lxdm for lxde.
Author: , 2020-11-09 02:19:33