Bookradar plugin for Calibre

There is a plugin for the Calibre book cataloger. in windows it is not put because of requests and bs4. Please help me rewrite without them. the plugin is a python script

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)

import re
from Queue import Queue, Empty
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from calibre import as_unicode
from import parse_only_date
from calibre.ebooks.metadata import check_isbn
from import Metadata
from calibre.ebooks.metadata.sources.base import Source, Option

class BookradarMetadataSourcePlugin(Source):

name = 'Bookradar'

capabilities = frozenset(['identify', 'cover'])
touched_fields = frozenset(('title', 'authors', 'identifier:isbn', 'publisher', 'pubdate'))

url_pattern = ''

def find(cls, base_element, class_name, single=False):
    found = base_element.find_all('div', class_=class_name)
    if single:
        if not found:
            return ''
        return found[0].text.strip()
    return found

def parse_response(cls, response, title_initial, author_initial, isbn_initial, log):
    global page_soup
    metadata_items = []

    page_soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text)

    for idx, candidate in enumerate(cls.find(page_soup, 'b-result'), 1):

        title = cls.find(candidate, 'b-result__name-wrap', True)
        author = map(unicode.strip, cls.find(candidate, 'b-result__author', True).split(','))
        comments = cls.find(candidate, 'b-result__desc__full', True).replace(u'Скрыть', '').strip()
        isbn = cls.find(candidate, 'b-result__isbn', True).split(':')[-1].split(',')[0].strip()'Found candidate %s: %s' % (idx, title))

        publisher = None
        pubdate = None
        other_info = cls.find(candidate, 'b-result__years', True).strip()
        if other_info:
            for entry in other_info.split(';'):
                k, v = entry.split(':', 1)
                k = k.strip()
                if k == u'Год':
                    pubdate = parse_only_date('1.1.%s' % v.split(',')[0].strip())
                elif k == u'Издательство':
                    publisher = v.strip()

        metadata_item = Metadata(title, author)
        metadata_item.isbn = isbn or isbn_initial
        if comments:
            metadata_item.comments = comments

        if publisher is not None:
            metadata_item.publisher = publisher

        if pubdate is not None:
            metadata_item.pubdate = pubdate


    return metadata_items

def is_customizable(self):
    return False

def identify(self, log, result_queue, abort, title=None, authors=None, identifiers=None, timeout=30):'Bookradar identification started ...')

    identifiers = identifiers or {}
    search_tokens = []

    if title:
        search_tokens += list(self.get_title_tokens(title))

    if authors:
        search_tokens += list(self.get_author_tokens(authors, only_first_author=True))

    isbn = check_isbn(identifiers.get('isbn', None))
    if isbn:
        search_tokens += (isbn,)

    search_str = ' '.join(search_tokens)
    url = self.url_pattern % search_str'Searching for: %s' % search_str)

        response = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        log.exception('Failed to get data from `%s`: %s' % (url, e.message))
        return as_unicode(e)

    metadata = self.parse_response(response, title, authors, isbn, log=log)

    for result in metadata:

def download_cover(self, log, result_queue, abort, title=None, authors=None, identifiers={}, timeout=30, get_best_cover=False):  # {{{'Bookradar identification started ...')

    identifiers = identifiers or {}
    search_tokens = []
    cached_url = None
    if title:
        search_tokens += list(self.get_title_tokens(title))

    isbn = check_isbn(identifiers.get('isbn', None))
    if isbn:
        search_tokens += (isbn,)

    search_str = ' '.join(search_tokens)
    url = self.url_pattern % search_str'Searching for: %s' % search_str)

        response = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        log.exception('Failed to get data from `%s`: %s' % (url, e.message))
        return as_unicode(e)

    page_soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text)
emb = None
    for img in page_soup.findAll('img', src=True):
    emb = img['src'].strip()
    if emb.lower().endswith('.jpg') or emb.lower().endswith('.jpeg'):

if emb is None:'No cover found')
    cached_url=emb'Downloading cover from:', cached_url)
        cdata = self.browser.open_novisit(cached_url, timeout=timeout).read()
        if cdata:
            result_queue.put((self, cdata))
    except Exception as e:
        log.exception(u'Failed to download cover from: %s'%cached_url)
        return as_unicode(e)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Tests
# calibre-customize -b . && calibre-debug -e

from calibre.ebooks.metadata.sources.test import (test_identify_plugin, title_test, authors_test, isbn_test)

test_identify_plugin(, [
        {'identifiers': {'isbn': '9785932861578'}},
            title_test(u'Python. Подробный справочник', exact=True),
            authors_test([u'Дэвид Бизли'])
            'title': u'справочник',
            'identifiers': {'isbn': '9785932861578'}
            title_test(u'Python. Подробный справочник', exact=True),
            authors_test([u'Дэвид Бизли'])
            'title': u'Opencv Computer Vision',
            'authors': u'Howse'
            title_test(u'Opencv Computer Vision with Python', exact=True),
            authors_test([u'Joseph Howse'])
Author: XimikaT, 2016-02-10

1 answers

I also encountered such a problem. Install the required requests and bs4 libraries. Then find their folders, requests and bs4, respectively, and add them to the pylib, which lies in the root of Calibre.

Author: Shalom Alecheim, 2016-06-30 20:59:45