C / C++ - creating a GUI

Recently, I wanted to start my own project, I have an idea-but the question arose with the implementation, in particular with the creation of the interface. I want to write a project in C / C++ and at the same time plan to use MS Visual Studio 2013. You may say right away that I would use Qt, but I don't want to touch it for two reasons:

  1. In uni, they require MSVS, the course will be on it, etc.

  2. I still want to understand first with the technologies from Microsoft.

So, I searched a little in the net, I realized that there are such things as WinForms and WPF. There is also a WinAPI option. And here I have a stupor - where, what and how? Help us understand what technologies are used to create interfaces with POM.C++ in MSVS; which is the best to use today? And also advise normal literature on this subject.

A project within the university (a small program in electrical engineering for calculating all sorts of values for the specified scheme), if it is important.

And yet I repeat in my question: what you need to know and what you need to learn to start writing a GUI in C++ with pom. Visual Studio?


Author: MSDN.WhiteKnight, 2014-04-28

2 answers

The closest thing to you is MFC. WinForms is not C++, it's C++/CLI, which runs on the MS platform .Net Framework.

The trouble with MFC is that it is a thin layer over WinAPI there is a step to the left-a step to the right from the ideology of the framework-an abyss.

You can and should write suitable interfaces. But, fortunately or unfortunately, Qt is almost no alternative here. Let it bring extensions to the language in the form of signals-slots, as a result-preprocessing of the source code by MOC, but it really is a usable diamond in the world of C++.

For academic purposes, it is desirable to master pure C++, within reasonable limits - WinAPI. Real more or less complex, portable interfaces can be written wxWidget, GTKmm and others like them, just for fun.

But Qt is the present and future of C++)

PS The Qt plugin allows you to write from under MSVS. However, the studio is hostile to unicode.

Author: free_ze, 2014-04-28 13:04:38

MFC is good because

  • most teachers are bigger don't own anything
  • all the manuals in most universities are written in MFC and it is easy to find the cases you need.
  • using MFC, it is easier to understand how WinAPI works, and this knowledge will not be superfluous in the future.
Author: ikonnov, 2014-04-28 16:30:23