C++ documentation [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: Books and learning resources on C++ (3 responses) Closed 5 years ago.

Can anyone help me with the c++documentation?

Author: angry, 2012-06-06

4 answers

Gentlemen, everything is much more relevant - c++ - I studied it myself and still find answers to my questions

Author: dreadangel, 2012-06-06 15:36:55

Visual C++Reference Materials

The links below point to sections that contain information about Visual C++.

This is Visual C++, but for starters, cross-platform is not essential.

Author: stanislav, 2012-06-06 09:06:17

Easy. Go here and download the pdf. But there is one special feature - drafts of the standard are free, and clean-ups are for a fee. But with special perseverance, you can find it for a reasonable fee.

Author: KoVadim, 2012-06-06 09:07:44

Http://www.kuzbass.ru:8086/docs/isocpp/ - C++ 98 specification.
The new standard is still paid - http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_ics/catalogue_detail_ics.htm?csnumber=50372 (although it may be on torrents somewhere).
There is also an overview of the features introduced in the new standard - http://msdn.microsoft.com/ru-ru/magazine/hh852594.aspx

Author: margosh, 2012-06-06 09:08:57