C++ - How to create a window in windows

I am starting to program for windows using C++ and the DevC++program. How do I create a common window?

Author: silash35, 2018-05-01

3 answers

I recommend researching QT, which is a cross-platform framework for developing graphical interfaces in C++. With it you can make programs that work both on Windows and on Linux and MacOS. If you want to learn about QT, there are several tutorials on the internet, in various forums or even by Stackoverflow under the "QT"Tag.

Also know the official website of QT ( https://www.qt.io / ) and see all its possibilities.

Author: silash35, 2018-05-02 15:02:15

You can follow this tutorial using Windows API but it is not recommended because it is limited, the ideal would be to use qt because it is cross-platform, has many features for window creation including a visual editor, supports OpenGL, DirectX and Vulkan, still it uses Windows API (if the target platform is windows of course).

Here is an example of the main window of my program using qt and its visual editor:

insert the description of the image here

Author: Samuel Ives, 2018-05-29 19:14:09

In C++ you do not have a native window toolkit. Each vendor has one, and has a few free. You can experience Qt which is well-spread.

Author: prmottajr, 2018-05-01 11:55:37