C++ Problem with std::cin std::cout

I have a problem, the code is calmly compiled into the exe, and the first two inputs work perfectly, but when it comes time for the third variable, the program starts to work wrong, while everything in the code is the same https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_c++_compiler - here you can quickly compile.

#include <iostream>

int main()
   std::cout << "Enter a: "; // просим пользователя ввести любое число
   int a = 0;
   std::cin >> a; // получаем пользовательское число и сохраняем его в переменную a

    std::cout << "Enter b: "; // просим пользователя ввести любое число
   char b = 0;
   std::cin >> b; // получаем пользовательское число и сохраняем его в переменную b

   std::cout << "Enter c: "; // просим пользователя ввести любое число
   int c = 0;
   std::cin >> c; // получаем пользовательское число и сохраняем его в переменную a
   std::cout << "Finish" << std::endl; 
   return 0;




The first two variables go right here's what happens on the third

Please tell me how to do so that I can enter the third variable I have this c. If you have any questions, please ask.

[23.03.2020 19:22] Corrected: Changed the names of the variables, for greater simplicity and understanding.

Author: Qwertiy, 2020-03-23

1 answers

Well, what do you want?

char dll = 0;
std::cin >> dll; 

Once in char read - reads one character (you are not surprised by the output D in the picture?). And everything else - LL.dll - comes from the buffer when reading

std::cin >> lvls;

It is clear that this is not a number - that's really in lvls nothing is read, for cin the error flag fail is set (you do not check it...).

It's simple.

Read lines-in lines :)

Author: Harry, 2020-03-23 16:04:30