Can I write in Java for iOS?

I have heard terrible rumors that there is no JVM on iOS. Moreover, I have heard terrible rumors that Apple does not allow you to install JVM on iOS.


  1. Is it true? Is there really no JVM on iOS?
  2. Is it true? Does Apple really not allow you to install JVM on iOS?
Author: pepsicoca1, 2018-12-27

2 answers

Under macOS, the standard Java >= 8 is set, information here

Under iOS , OpenJDK is put crookedly and obliquely, through emulation and all that.

Author: Barmaley, 2018-12-27 12:42:15

There are jvm implementations for iOS. This is the answer to both the first and second question

Author: Anton M, 2018-12-27 12:28:00