Can we create Artificial intelligence in any language?

About Artificial Intelligence, I would like to know superficially , thinking of starting knowledge in this area:

  • can any language be created in?
  • basically, what would be the concept that defines a code as IA ?
  • is there a standard ?
Author: rbz, 2018-08-23

2 answers

Can be created in any language?

Programming language? Yes, you can. If it's not, it can't.

AI in the background is algorithm, with a lot of statistical base and large volume of data and in one way or another all can do it. The quality and ease depends a lot. But many that are not good are doing well using external APIs.

Has programming languages that are better, for example PROLOG was created for this. Even LISP, practically a first programming language, it was created to meet this demand. But the market wants to use what it already knows and prefers to pay for cloud APIs from large vendors. It has its advantages there.

Some may say that this is not programming AI, it is just consuming. And it can be right even. Others say that this Caixinha AI does not exist and that if you do not put some intelligence in your code it will not be AI, even if part is "bought" from somewhere.

Basically, what would be the concept that defines that a code is AI?

I believe this is answered in What is artificial intelligence?.

Is there a specific pattern?

I'm not sure what that means, but I don't think so.

Author: Maniero, 2020-07-31 19:03:46

1-If you have the premise that an artificial intelligence is an algorithm that will make decisions for you, I think it can be programmed in any language. Basically I think that working with AI is more understanding the algorithms that exist, such as Minimax and Manhatan distance. If you will Program in python or C, this is the application you will do.

2-I think defining an AI code is a bit complicated because you must answer what it is considered an AI. In my opinion is algorithm that will make decisions alone from an environment that you give as input, there in theory there are several types of AI. If you make an AI to play old game with a lot of ' if ' and 'else' for me it is already an AI code.

3-as I said, there may be simple AI that plays old game, even an AI that will cross the entire country in an autonomous car. So I don't think there is a pattern, just different complexities.

Author: Vinicius Morais, 2018-08-23 12:45:27