html how to adapt the font size of a text inside a div to its dimensions?

Good Morning. I have a container that occupies 50% in width and height, inside this I have a paragraph, when re-sizing the div (redeeming the browser window) it takes its percentages ofaccord to the size of the window, so if I give the paragraph font a fixed size it overflows in some window sizes.what property, properties, or library should I use to fix this issue?. In advance thank you.

Author: Shaz, 2016-08-17

2 answers

Based on what I read in the question I'm going to assume that the container always occupies 50% of the viewport's height/width.

In that order the easiest way would be to use the unit of Measure vw (viewport width), in which each unit equals one point in % of the width of the visible area:

.container {
  border: solid 1px blue;
  width: 50%;

p {
  font-size: 3vw; 
<div class="container">
    ¡Hola mundo!

In this example we assign a font size of 3% of the width of the viewport, so it will adapt to any screen resolution, from proportional form.

There are more advanced techniques with calc () and vw units of measure, but I think they are not within what is being asked.

Author: Shaz, 2016-08-17 17:09:08

To adapt styles to dimensions you should evaluate implementing media queries

CSS media queries

CSS3 Media Queries-Examples

As you will see you can define styles that will apply according to the dimensions of the screen

@media (min-width: 700px) { ... }

In the ... you define the style you want it to apply when the minimum is 700px, this is a simple example but can put together more complex Things

Author: Leandro Tuttini, 2016-08-17 17:04:39