Change project c#.Net 4.6 to.Net4.5

Would I have any way to change the .NET summer used in my project to an earlier version ?

In my project is with .NET 4.6 and would like to go back to .NET 4.5 version without having to redo everything ?

Author: Gabriel Silva, 2019-09-11

3 answers

1 - Go to Solution Manager
2 - right-click on top of the project you want
3 - go to properties
insert the description of the image here

4-Click Application
5-change the target structure and done

insert the description of the image here

Remembering that all projects within the solution must be in the same version to avoid compile errors.

Author: Marcos Brinner, 2019-09-12 13:43:53

Open the project properties and change the "Target Framework" option to the desired .NET Framework version ... Note that if you used any .NET Framework 4.6 functionality, when you change the target framework to a lower one, you will receive build errors... And there is no automatic way to do the conversion from 4.6 to a lower one (only the other way around)...

But if you haven't used any .NET 4.6 features, you won't have a problem ...

Author: Gabriel Silva, 2019-09-11 13:40:11

Open the file .csproj and change the <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.5.2</TargetFrameworkVersion> tag with the version you want to use.

Author: ArthNRick, 2019-09-11 15:14:45