Classification methods in machine learning

There is a certain classification task: for training, the classifier receives an array of strings as a class and some numbers as parameters.

Are there any methods, without using neural networks, that allow you to classify such samples? Which direction to go?



RW, LW, CAM -> 75,45,22,78,98,76

CB -> 56,54,66,77,25,56

CB,RB,RCB -> 45,56,78,97,44,22

CAM,CM,CDM -> 34,45,65,77,88,93


34,56,76,88,99,23 -> CAM,CM,RW

24,56,90,98,77,66 -> ST,LW,RW

34,45,87,98,77,55 -> RB,CB

I can't solve the problem, because I don't know about methods with multiple classes for an object yet.

I will be grateful for your advice!

Author: Егор Мартынов, 2020-06-22

1 answers

This is a completely classical, one might say - the basic problem of classification theory. It is described in any not even a book, but in any blog on machine learning. Be in one click:Задача_классификации

, etc. But which method to use is decided on the basis of both the corresponding theoretical constraints and the comparison of the results of their application.

Author: passant, 2020-06-23 12:18:21