Close console window in C

I need to create the Old Lady's game. I want to know how to close the black window that appears without having to click any key, for example: When running the program appears:

1 to play

0 to exit

If the user enters 0 i want the program to close completely without having to click Enter.

Author: Comunidade, 2016-06-15

1 answers

According to an OS question :

The console (or shell) in which the program is running is completely independent of your program, it is just a user interface (I/O). Trying to close the console is not a good idea - instead you should boot your program without tying it. (this is easy in the Unix environment, but harder on Windows)

In Unix you should look over the command kill(2).
In Windows you need to run a command killing the process by its name: system("taskkill /IM cb_console_runner.exe").

Author: Daniel Dutra, 2017-05-23 12:37:30