Comment on multiple lines and Python [duplicate id error]

this question already has answers here : is there any way to comment multiple lines in Python? (4 responses) Closed last year .

I was writing my code and needed to block a few lines of code. As there are several, I decided to use the 3 quotes to block a part of the code. insert the description of the image here

However, when I squeegee the code it shows indentation error. Does anyone know what I've been doing wrong?

insert the description of the image here

I've noticed that when I put # this indentation error does not happen.

Author: Matheus Pena, 2020-02-04

1 answers

In Python the only thing made to comment code is # , what you are doing using ''' is just a string Literal, that is, a docstring, the same serves to comment, but it must also be idented, as in the example:

def funcao():

    comentários aqui
    print("vai printar")

It is worth remembering that this serves other things as well, for example if you go in an IDE and Type help(funcao), what would be shown would be:

'comentários aqui'

I pretty much translated that answer for you.

Author: FourZeroFive, 2020-02-04 14:39:54