Comparison of equal elements and exclusion C++

I'm breaking my head to solve an exercise, I need to create a program that inserts elements into a chained list and then create a function to check if among the elements there are equal elements, and if so, delete all repetitions.

I don't know if I should use a recursive function for this, I tried to do a check with an auxiliary pointer, comparing each element with the rest, but I couldn't.


using namespace std;

struct no{
    int n;
    no *prox;

struct lista{
    no *inicio;

int menu(){
    int op;
    cout << "\nl. Inserir na lista\n";
    cout << "2. Remover da lista\n";
    cout << "3. Imprimir lista\n";
    cout << "4. Sair\n";
    cout << "Opcao: ";
    cin >> op;
    return op;  
no* criarNo(){
    int num;
    cout << "Qual numero quer inserir: ";
    cin >> num;
    no *novo = new no;
    novo->n = num;
    novo->prox = NULL;
    return novo;

void inserirLista(lista *l){
    no *insere = criarNo();
    if(l->inicio == NULL){
        l->inicio = insere;
        no *aux = l->inicio;
        if(aux->n > insere->n){
            insere->prox = l->inicio;
            l->inicio = insere;
        }else {
            while(aux->prox != NULL && aux->prox->n < insere->n){
                aux = aux->prox;
            insere->prox = aux->prox;
            aux->prox = insere;

void imprimirLista(lista *inicio){
    if(inicio->inicio == NULL)
        cout << "Lista vazia\n";
        no *aux = inicio->inicio;
        while(aux->prox != NULL){
            cout << aux->n << " ";
            aux = aux->prox;
        cout << aux->n << " ";      

void removerRepetidos(lista *l){
/*  while(aux->prox != NULL){
        if(aux->n == aux->prox){
            aux->prox = aux->prox->prox;

int main(){
    int opcao;
    lista *l = new lista;
    l->inicio = NULL;
        opcao = menu();
            case 1:
            case 2:
                cout << "Remover numeros repetidos: ";
            case 3:
            case 4:
                return -1;
                cout << "Opcao invalida\n";
    return 0;
Author: Arthur74, 2019-11-22

1 answers

You can use a set to store the values of the nodes and if you find a value that already exists in this set you can eliminate the node. Remember to add the library #include <set>

void removerRepetidos(lista *l) {
    set<int> elementos_passados;
    no *atual = l->inicio;
    no *anterior;
    while(atual != NULL) {
        if(elementos_passados.find(atual->n) != elementos_passados.end()) {
            // esse elemento ja foi encontrado na lista

            // delete o elemento atual
            anterior->prox = atual->prox;
        } else {
            // adiciona o elemento no set
            anterior = atual;

        atual = atual->prox;
Author: André Luiz Bittencourt, 2019-11-22 15:36:40