Configuring 3proxy across domains and networks

Tinyproxy has a setting like upstram socks5 ".onion", which means " redirect all requests with the onion domain to Tor-sox. However, due to tinyproxy restrictions (HTTP only and no IPv6 configuration), an attempt was made to switch to 3proxy.

How can I configure thin routing of the client on subnets (interfaces) depending on the target address? There is an option parent 1000 socks5+ 9050 that redirects all traffic through Tor, but this is too clumsy a setup. For example, you can not selectively send a user to a local i2p proxy or to Yggdrasil when an IPv6 request is made from subnet 200::/7.

In the documentation for working with domains, I did not find a good one at all, but perhaps I just did not understand something.

Author: mynameiskostya, 2020-12-02