PDO does not connect to MySQL

I am trying to make a connection to the bank by PDO, but every time I try to make this connection, the message appears:

could not find driver

I went back to find out and I learned that I had to enable PDO in php.ini. Ok, I went there and took the; from where I needed, but even then the message still appears.

My code is this:


// Faz conexão com banco de daddos
$pdo = new PDO("
}catch(PDOException $e){
// Caso ocorra algum erro na conexão com o banco, exibe a mensagem
echo 'Falha ao conectar no banco de dados: '.$e->getMessage();


Does anyone know what it can be?

Author: bfavaretto, 2014-02-09

7 answers

The mysql extension is not installed or you do not have mysql installed on localhost.

Create a file info.php in the root of the webserver, with the function phpinfo(); and then go to localhost/info.php and look for pdo, la you see if the driver pdo for mysql is installed.

Author: George Moura, 2014-02-09 21:44:24

No linux, type in terminal:

php -i | grep drivers

And verify that the driver is enabled. On Debian / Ubuntu based systems the installation is simple, in the terminal type:

//para instalar
sudo apt-get install php5-mysql

//reiniciando o apache
sudo service apache2 restart
Author: Marcos Xavier, 2014-02-10 00:56:09

It is quite common to occur, especially with people who develop in Windows environment in versions prior to 5.3, version in which there is no need to enable a separate extension for the PDO itself, they enable only the DLL of the PDO (php_pdo.dll) and if they forget to enable the DLL(s) of the PDO-supported DBMS(s) they will be using.

The solution, also simple, is to edit PHP.Ini removing the comment sign (;) from the referring line A, in the case, php_pdo_mysql.dll

Author: Bruno Augusto, 2014-02-11 19:30:49

When this type of problem occurs what can happen:

  • if you are using windows. it may not have the respective dll
  • the installed MySQL port is not the default (3306)
  • database data is not correct
Author: touchmx, 2014-02-09 23:52:54

A quick and easy way to test if mySQL is available is by PDO itself with its function PDO:: getAvailableDrivers()

  $drivers = PDO::getAvailableDrivers();
    foreach ($drivers as $nome) {
      echo 'Disponivel: ' . $nome . '<br />';

In this way you list all the drivers that PDO can use.

Author: jlHertel, 2014-09-18 20:31:15

Run php -m in the terminal/prompt and check if the pdo_mysql extension is actually enabled, if it is and still not working check if MySQL has started.

Author: Lucio Rubens, 2014-02-09 19:18:14

That's how it works.

    // Faz conexão com banco de daddos
    $host = ('localhost');
    $user = ('root');
    $pass = ('root');
    $bancodb = ('curso_php');

    $conecta = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$bancodb", $user, $pass);
}catch(PDOException $e){
    // Caso ocorra algum erro na conexão com o banco, exibe a mensagem
    echo 'Falha ao conectar no banco de dados: '.$e->getMessage();
Author: Pedro, 2015-02-25 02:06:12