Connecting the SFML library

Good afternoon dear users, faced with such a problem:

I connected the SFML library to visual studio 2019 (I did everything strictly according to the instructions for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems)

When compiling the program, the following error:

enter a description of the image here

*100 once I double-checked,all these files that the system can't detect are in the project folder!All 11 files!And they are in the right place.

Please tell me, what could be the error?

P. S 4 libraries in the Debug configuration under

Linker -> Input is also connected!

Author: Pavel, 2020-08-02

1 answers

The studio creates two directories in the project for release and debag. They contain the corresponding assemblies. Dllki should be in the directory for the appropriate build next to the exeshnik


Author: Pavel, 2020-08-02 17:31:50