const at the beginning and const at the end

Please explain why const is done at the beginning and const at the end, and what is the difference in general?

const Cash Product::GetPrice() const { return price; }
Author: Vlad from Moscow, 2019-04-24

2 answers

Using const at the beginning of a method declaration binds it to the type of the return value, i.e. it says that you are returning a constant object from the method.

When you use const at the end of a method declaration, the method itself becomes constant (without changing anything in the object) and, as a result, is available for calling through constant objects.

Author: Bogdan, 2019-04-24 06:51:10

This ad

const Cash Product::GetPrice() const { return price; }

Defines a non-static member function of the class named GetPrice for the class Product.

The first qualifier const refers to the return value of the function, that is, to an object of type Cash.

The const qualifier after the list of parameters refers to the function itself and indicates that the function does not modify the object of type Product for which it is called.

For example, if an object of type Product is declared as a constant object, then it is not allowed to call non-static member functions of the class that are declared without the const qualifier.

Also, for non-static class member functions, you can specify reference qualifiers that determine for which type of reference (lvalur or rvalue) to an object of the class, the corresponding non-static class member function can be called.

Below is a demo program

#include <iostream>

struct Cash
    Cash( unsigned int value ) : value( value )

    unsigned int value;

struct Product
    Product( unsigned int price ) : price( price )

    const Cash GetPrice()  & 
        std::cout << " - const Cash Product::GetPrice() & is called - ";
        return price + 10; 

    const Cash GetPrice() const & 
        std::cout << " - const Cash Product::GetPrice() const & is called - ";
        return price; 

    const Cash GetPrice() const && 
        std::cout << " - const Cash Product::GetPrice() const && is called - ";
        return price; 

    unsigned int price;

int main()
    const Product p1( 10 );

    std::cout << "cash" << p1.GetPrice().value << '\n';

    Product p2( 10 );

    std::cout << "cash" << p2.GetPrice().value << '\n';

    std::cout << "cash" << Product( 10 ).GetPrice().value << '\n';

Program output to the console:

cash - const Cash Product::GetPrice() const & is called - 10
cash - const Cash Product::GetPrice() & is called - 20
cash - const Cash Product::GetPrice() const && is called - 10

Since the object p1 is constant, then a function with qualifiers const & is called for it.

The p2 object is not constant, and a function with the reference qualifier & is called for it.

The last function call uses a temporary object, so a function with the qualifiers const && is called for it.

Author: Vlad from Moscow, 2019-04-24 14:08:29