Convert for files.exe [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : How to turn a python file into an executable? [duplicate] (1 answer) How to use Pyinstaller in Python 3? [closed] (1 response) Closed last year .

Hello, can anyone explain to me how to convert an application in .py format to .exe and run on windows? I tried using cx_freeze but couldn't. How to create a converter? Be.

Author: KARPSS, 2020-01-22

1 answers

If you want to have mandatory one .exe, use pyinstaller. Remembering that will have to install it.

pyinstaller <nome_do_arquivo>

If you want to have a binary file, use py_compile that already comes with python utilities.

python3 -m py_compile <nome_do_arquivo>

Author: Vinicius Andrade, 2020-01-22 17:21:31