Convert decimal to binary in Scratch

Pq is not displaying the result on the screen? I tried to convert decimal number to binary in Scratch, but it's not working. Can anyone see what the mistake is?

insert the description of the image here

Author: Homer Simpson, 2018-05-21

1 answers

The best solution to generate the binary digits is to use a list to store the digits and a looping to reduce the variable entradaUsuario with each iteration.

With each iteration of looping, the algorithm extracts the binary digit through a split-by-2 rest operation and stores that digit in the list.

Then divide entradaUsuario by 2 until it reaches zero.

Follows the algorithm below:

insert the description of the image here

Link to the project on the Scratch website: Decimal to binary

In case you really need to get the digits into separate variables, just run the algorithm without the looping , repeating the code for the number of binary digits you need:

insert the description of the image here

Author: Gomiero, 2018-05-21 21:17:20