Convert sum of minutes to hour format (ex: 70min = 01:10) with jquery

I have the following script that takes the hours and minutes of each day of the week, where the variables that start with m are the minutes of each day of the week (coming from a select) and those that start with h are the hours.

I'm taking the hour values, multiplying by 60 to have the minutes and adding up with all the minutes and I have at the end, the summation in minutes.

How do I convert these minutes into hours?

Ex: 70minutes would result 01: 10

      var mseg = parseInt($("#mseg").val());
      var mter = parseInt($("#mter").val());
      var mqua = parseInt($("#mqua").val());
      var mqui = parseInt($("#mqui").val());
      var msex = parseInt($("#msex").val());
      var msab = parseInt($("#msab").val());
      var mdom = parseInt($("#mdom").val());
      var totalminutos = mseg + mter + mqua + mqui + msex + msab + mdom;
      var hseg = parseInt($("#hseg").val());
      var hter = parseInt($("#hter").val());
      var hqua = parseInt($("#hqua").val());
      var hqui = parseInt($("#hqui").val());
      var hsex = parseInt($("#hsex").val());
      var hsab = parseInt($("#hsab").val());
      var hdom = parseInt($("#hdom").val());
      var totalhoras = (hseg + hter + hqua + hqui + hsex + hsab + hdom) * 60;
      var total = (totalhoras + totalminutos);
Author: Sorack, 2019-03-08

1 answers

You can create a function that will receive the value in minutes, use the function Math.floor to remove the integer part, and a mod (operator %) to get the rest of the division by 60:

const converter = (minutos) => {
  const horas = Math.floor(minutos/ 60);          
  const min = minutos % 60;
  const textoHoras = (`00${horas}`).slice(-2);
  const textoMinutos = (`00${min}`).slice(-2);
  return `${textoHoras }:${textoMinutos}`;

Author: Sorack, 2019-03-08 19:18:42