Copying files to a backup server via scp

Hello. The question is from the category "it works for everyone, but it doesn't work for me".
Setting up copying files to a backup server via scp.

In cron.d:

30 0 * * * root /root/scp

To /root/scp:

scp -r /home/aaa/*  [email protected]:/var/www/aaa/

Created ssh keys. If you run the script from the command line, you do not need a password.

In /var/log/cron:

Jun 28 00:30:01 sss CROND[11806]: (root) CMD (/root/scp)

But the files are not copied. What could be the problem, please tell me?

Author: Deleted, 2013-06-28

1 answers

Instead of' scp ' in the /root/scp file, insert what it says 'which scp'

Author: ArcherGodson, 2013-06-28 11:21:44