Correct import / export React

Tell me how to properly export and import multiple const.

File const.js

 const activeTabs = {
    const myContent = {
    const textForTab = [
    export default activeTabs,myContent;

And there is a file App.js

import activeTabs from './const';
import myContent from './const';

Returns errors or works but empty const

Author: Ilya Burmaka, 2019-01-15

2 answers

export default there can be only one.

The result of the expression evaluation is exported.

In this case, export default activeTabs,myContent; can be considered as export default (activeTabs,myContent);, which corresponds to export default myContent;

Accordingly, when importing

import activeTabs from './const';
import myContent from './const';

In both variables, there will be a reference to myContent.

To export multiple parts, you can add export{[16 to each of the definitions]}

export const activeTabs = {
export const myContent = {
export const textForTab = [

Then you can import them as follows way:

import {activeTabs, myContent} from './const';

Or return an object in default, for example:

export default {

When importing:

import constants from './const';

// constants.activeTabs
Author: Grundy, 2019-01-15 10:07:14

The main option.Exporting everything at once

export { // без default
//потом импортируем
import {textForTab, myContent, activeTabs } from './const';

You can also write

export  const activeTabs = {
export  const myContent = {
export  const textForTab = [
//Можете  тут тоже импортировать точно также как наверху  
Author: Избыток Сусликов, 2019-01-15 10:08:59